Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Muladhara Chakra

The Muladhara - Root Chakra is associated with the color red - the color of Shakti. Shakti means energy, movement, awakening. Red gemstones like Garnet stimulate and help in balancing this chakra.
The dormant powers within us are stored in the Root Chakra. The Kundalini Shakti (spiritual energy) can be awakened through Yoga, meditation, Seed Mantra LAM - the sound of spiritual awakening.
The Muladhara Chakra is affiliated with the sense of smell. The awakening of the Muladhara Chakra can make us more sensitive to aromas and sounds that are not perceptible to others. Some people can see auras or feel the thoughts and moods of others.

For as long as we live we will be confronted with problems. The ignorant take them merely as a nuisance and misfortune, but the wise regard them as valuable and beneficial experiences. When we learn from them and begin to work on ourselves we progress in our spiritual development. If we do not do this we remain stuck in the suffering and continue to replay the painful lessons.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


The Dragonfly is a symbol of happiness, speed and purity. It also represents transformation and life's ever constant process of change.*
It's iridescent appearance inspired me to make these colorful earrings using amethyst, jade, peridot and silver beads.
Dragonfly lives a short life, and it knows it must live to the fullest. This lesson is huge for each of us. 

There is endless beauty and wisdom in every speck of life. Let each day be a small reminder of here and now, a small awakening to a more conscious being.


Friday, March 14, 2014

Yoga Necklaces

 I bought these stone rings in an indian shop while on a trip to Bulgaria.
The circle is the symbol of completeness, eternity and the soul.
So I decided to turn these rings into minimal Yoga necklaces. To wear them as a reminder that we cannot resolve or understand infinite(spiritual) truths with our finite(rational) minds but only through meditation.