The dormant powers within us are stored in the Root Chakra. The Kundalini Shakti (spiritual energy) can be awakened through Yoga, meditation, Seed Mantra LAM - the sound of spiritual awakening.
The Muladhara Chakra is affiliated with the sense of smell. The awakening of the Muladhara Chakra can make us more sensitive to aromas and sounds that are not perceptible to others. Some people can see auras or feel the thoughts and moods of others.
For as long as we live we will be
confronted with problems. The ignorant take them merely as a nuisance and
misfortune, but the wise regard them as valuable and beneficial experiences.
When we learn from them and begin to work on ourselves we progress in our
spiritual development. If we do not do this we remain stuck in the suffering
and continue to replay the painful lessons.